Mr Beast Renames YouTube Titles
I needed help with my YouTube videos. So I enlisted an AI version of Mr. Beast to rename my YouTube Videos. Become a member to get the sheet: Tutorial and Sheet here:

I needed help with my YouTube videos. So I enlisted an AI version of Mr. Beast to rename my YouTube Videos.
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(00:00) Hi, I'm Andrew Kamphey. I run Better Sheets and I have a bit of a problem. I have a YouTube channel of Better Sheets. It has hundreds of videos, and the YouTube titles are not necessarily the best YouTube title. So I really want Mr. Beast to, uh, retitle my YouTube. Names, uh, titles and uh, what I've done so far is I have taken ai, uh, GPT four, hooked it up in a Google sheet.
(00:28) I've given it a hundred of Mr. Beast's titles, the top hundred, uh, V views. I got all hundred of them. I'll show you how I did that, uh, which is actually pretty simple. And then I ran it through AI said, you are Mr. Beast. Your YouTube video titles are, and I named a hundred YouTube titles. Uh, then I am asking it as Mr.
(00:52) Beast rename the YouTube title, and I'm just gonna give it a YouTube title. So these are my. Uh, videos. Here are the titles I have, and here's Mr. Beast. And I ran into a bit of a problem now, which I'll probably go over in this video. I will go over in this video, but check it out. I'm. One of my most popular videos is called Extract URLs from Google Sheets.
(01:15) Um, and it's really changing the entire concept of the video, which is one interesting extracurricular thing that I'm gonna actually end up using out of this. This is what Mr. Beast would've thought of, like some idea, right? Um, but check it out as it goes. Um, it, it is totally changing the name, the, the idea.
(01:36) Uh, so like it takes, how do I insert. Emojis into Google Sheets and it changes it to inserting emojis. Challenge, uh, can you do it faster than me? Which is a totally different idea of a video. Um, and here for some reason, AI is telling me it's against it's p. Okay, we'll figure out why. Maybe because it's says learn to code in there.
(02:02) Impersonation. All right, so what I might have to do here is edit this, um, rename not as Mr. Beast. I think I need to just change that. Uh, and let's see. Oh yeah, great. Oh, these are much better. Ev effortlessly retrieve website links from Google Sheets, that it's not effortless. This is pretty much.
(02:27) It's pretty hard. Revolutionizing spreadsheet management. All right, these were way better. So just that, taking away that as Mr. Beast did do well, adding. How do I insert emojis into Google sheets? Adding emojis to your step by step to that is like literally what it is, right? Uh, instead of like a, the question, right? We'll see how this goes.
(02:50) Um, maximizing your profits, tips and tricks for selling Google Sheets. That, that's a good idea. I mean, I might make another video based on that. Not retitle, that one. Uh, revamping checkbox approvals. It's weird. Streamline your Google sheets with branded logos. Mastering Google Sheets tip. These are not very Mr.
(03:12) Beastie. I'm wondering if this, uh, role is not, you are an expert an. Expert in naming YouTube videos. Your YouTube, your top 100 YouTube video titles are, let's see if that helps. I don't know if this helps at all, but there's gonna be something, um, it's inappropriate for, uh oh. There, it's kind of down to pride month.
(03:39) Ah, that's a nice thing. So now what we can do with this one, ai. Uh, Formula. We can rename these, but there's one thing about Mr. Beas that I think we can add to this. Um, what I've realized and, and what Mr. Beas has explained is that they'll do, uh, a hundred or 20 or 50 different, uh, ideas for a thumbnail for one video.
(04:04) They'll come up with different titles for the video. They'll even come up with the ideal first, then the title, then the thumbnail, and then go shoot the video. What I'm doing here really is like, uh, I've created the video. I've have the idea. And then this is just the title and we're just editing the title a little bit.
(04:20) So it's not necessarily in the style of Mr. Beast. We really need to like come up with the idea that the thing. Um, and then title it and title it before we make it. But I'm wondering, let's see if we can do something else here instead of a prompt of only one. Where's that prompt? I have it here.
(04:41) Rename the YouTube. The YouTube video titled this. Plus what I wanna do is, and, uh, and then come up with, and then write, write 10 title ideas, uh, use bullet points and put each title on a new line. I wanna see if command S oh, I screwed something up there. All right. There we go. Let's see what happens here.
(05:13) I'm gonna delete a few of these and see how it changes it. There we go. Oh, we have some numbers. All right, let's, um, use bullet points. Do not use numbers right. Each, sometimes it gets it right. Let's do that again and. This is good. So now we have a bunch of ideas for this, uh, Google Sheets URL extractor, how to extract URLs, um, how to extract from multiple Google sheets at once.
(05:47) So some of these are absolutely wrong, but also, uh, this gives a lot more ideas to this. Maybe even 20 we can do more. Um, just by changing that prompt to write more, I think will produce better results because, um, Yeah, because we're just gonna have more options, right? Instead of one that's like, eh, me, we're gonna pick out one of these 10 that's gonna be like, great.
(06:14) And it's gonna give us more ideas for videos, Google Sheets for coders. A complete guide to programming. That's very good. Um, we can command, uh, com, command C, shift command V to get the, uh, I like this one, so I'm gonna rename this one. Definitely. Google sheets for coders. That's good.
(06:37) And maybe I should redo my worst videos in this style because my best ones are doing well. So I wanna make a little thing here. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add the URL here. Actually, this is the um, code, so we need to add this to it. We need to add equals. This and delete all of that before, after the equal sign and do an ampersand, c2.
(07:06) There we go. So now we can autofill all of these and now we have a link directly to the, uh, title that we want. So now if I want to edit it, I can literally just go there and edit the title. Uh, where was that? Um, learn to Code one. Definitely want to change this. So we can pause that video, edit video and we saved it.
(07:30) There we go. So that one's done. We can add a even little checkbox next to it. Maybe, um, insert checkbox. Check done, fixed, changed, make more money than ever before with Google Sheets. That's cool. Make more money. I, I like that one. Uh, let's keep on trucking. And actually, let's go to the bottom.
(07:57) Oh, I hate having extra. I don't want that one. Do tiny sheets, Google Sheets, add-on. Let's see what Mr. Beast would come up with. We think this one is unlisted. Oh wait, I think these are actually unlisted ones. Do. Yeah, these are all for Google Sheet add-ons that I created. If you wanna take a course, get take it at better
(08:24) There's a course to find out how to make, uh, Google Sheet add-on and how to publish it on the Google Sheet. Uh, Google Workspace Marketplace, uh, this is probably the first one we want. That one. Let's see what Mr. Beast would come up with some ideas. This is the worst performing video. I think I have the header.
(08:44) You shouldn't miss the the, the header. You don't you, I missing why You should pay attention to the header. Oh, interesting. That's pretty cool. Why you should pay attention to the header. All right. I think I'm gonna do that. Change it. Yeah. See, here we go. Edit video. Definitely changes you.
(09:04) Uh, title and there we go. Save Mr. Beast is saving my YouTube channel. Master the double four loop in Google Scripts. I it should be AP Script now. It used to be called Google Script. Um, I like that. Master the double for loop. Cause that is what it is. I mean, what we're doing is creating a change lot, but like, You're gonna really are mastering the, uh, how is this not a button? There we go.
(09:34) So this one I did change the app script. There we go. Done And done. How to redo? How to Redo in, go in sheets, Google sheets Hacks. How to redo with ease. Oh, I like that. I don't have to read all of them. Just one of them's good. Dang. So if you want this Google sheet, uh, be Sheets members, you get it at be
(09:57) Be renamed my Mr. Beas renamed my YouTube titles. You can get that there. If you're watching this on YouTube, become a Be Sheets member today. I'll show you before we go, I will show you how to use it yourself. So what you'll need to do is go to the API key. Literally there will be nothing there.
(10:13) The AI won't work. You'll have to use your own API key. Uh, get it from. Open ai, put it on API key A one. There's no other place to put it. That's all you have to do. Um, on the Mr. Beast side, you don't have to do anything on the AB script side. You don't have to do anything. It'll just be ai.
(10:32) I think you might maybe have to go in and run it and, uh, uh, an authorize, you might have to do that. But probably not. But just start using AI in here with the title of your YouTube video in here. So you can get your, you can download your YouTube, your own YouTube titles, much easier than getting others.
(10:52) But here's what I did to get Mr. Beast's top, um, top performing videos. I'll show you. So what I did is I went to popular Mr. At Mr Beast Beast went to popular and I actually copied, uh, all of the, the title. So I just like command a, command c I just copy I I loaded as many as I could.
(11:13) I think I loaded like nine years of stuff. Seven to nine years. Um, but the most popular one, we really just want like the top 100. Right after that, we don't get much more data. Um, I pasted it into here. I, I deleted some of the above stuff, but then I got the titles. When you paste it into a sheet, you have titles in the first row, the eighth row, and the 15th row, and then every seven rows or so, right? So what I did is I went into another, uh, column I put in index.
(11:46) Um, where is it? Index A to a and just row for the number one. The next one, however, I had to do row minus one. So row is getting actually the number of the row. So for, for the first one, it's one for the second row, it's two third. Wherever it is, it'll say the number three, but that's not where the title is.
(12:06) It's some number down below. So what I did is I did row, took the row minus one. Times seven plus one. And I get, now I can just use index. This is going to be eight uh, and so it's gonna be index eight, which is the row, row eight column one. And then the next one down is gonna be row three minus one times seven plus one.
(12:31) And that is, what is that? That's going to be. Let's see here, let's 15. So we get this sort of mathematical algorithm here based on the row, which is three, two, or three or four or five minus one times seven plus one. And that'll get us the row in this other column. And so we get, we can even go deeper.
(12:52) I get a hu, I got a hundred, but we can keep copying and pasting this all the way down based on the row. This is one, it's 1 0 6 minus one times seven plus one to get the next. Set of, uh, the row that we need. So I got all of these. Then I just joined them with a comma, C1 to see C 100. And I copied and pasted it into the app script where you saw it before.
(13:17) So you can see that if you get the sheet, you can see that. Super simple. Simple. We only need to do it once, right? We need to get grab, uh, Mr. Beast's top 100 titles once did it. Took five minutes. Uh, we have our titles, which we can download from YouTube itself, or if you have like a bunch of videos, uh, that you're uploading, you can do that with this.
(13:38) Um, and then I just use the AI function here, uh, with the title in the AI function. Easy peasy. We now have 10 ideas of how Mr. Beast would rename our YouTube titles, so hopefully you'll see some changes on the YouTube channel at Better Sheets. And if you're not a. If you're not a subscriber yet, subscribe and like, and if you're not a member yet, go and get, become a member.
(14:01) You can get this sheet for free. Watch the latest video from better sheets right here. If you haven't watched any other videos on Better Sheets you are in for a treat. Enjoy.
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