Best Header Font Ever for Google Sheets
Turn your headers cool. Sweet sweet header font to make your headers better. Less pop and more ooooh ahhhhh.

Turn your headers cool. Sweet sweet header font to make your headers better. Less pop and more ooooh ahhhhh.
(00:00) One font rules, all headers. you have to just do one thing to get better. Headers, just select this one font. One font. in this video we wanna go over header fonts. Well actually only one header font rules them all, and we will go over what that header font is. But I wanna start off with what we're trying to do.
(00:22) When we start a Google sheet, we have the default aerial font. If you watch any other videos here about fonts, you know, probably my favorite car my favorite font is Carla. I was gonna say my favorite Carla is font. That's not right. My favorite font is at this time, Carla Font. And I usually say, you know, change everything to Carla.
(00:41) Just if, if you don't do anything else, you can just go to more fonts, find Carla and get it into your. Early and use it off, use it early, use it often. It is a great font. It is thin it is. Well, e e easy to read, well done. Like it, it has different look and feel than aerial. But what we are gonna end up doing if we use Carla everywhere, is that we have the.
(01:08) Still the classic problem, sort of the same problem as we have no matter what, which is our header and our data's gonna look the same. And you probably go through this problem and you're probably like, Hey you know what? I can bold my header, I can make my header bigger. Probably put some kind of, uh, Black, or maybe not black, but maybe a thin pastel you, you do all of this other stuff and what happens is that our headers and I go over this in another video, especially for better sheet members, I
(01:36) go deep into this and basically what this happens is our header becomes like a. The brightest point, but we actually want our data to be bright and our data to be seen, and the headers you just need to reference. And so in a whole nother video, I talk about why you should not do what I just did here, and you should actually have much smaller headers.
(01:57) But what about the font? There is something to be said. about just changing the font and almost nothing else. So no matter what, even if you use a, it's completely different font. If you use Ariel, if you use Carla, no matter what, what we could do is just change our font of our header and it will look completely different.
(02:13) And that's what this font does differently. And the font is, Oswald so it's very little used because it is in the os. Probably the most used fonts are in the ass, BS and Cs, but it is in the os. You have to scroll down or we can also click on more fonts and you can see it here, Oswald. There we go, Oswald.
(02:33) We might have to initiate it. Get it from more funds now. You almost only have to do this, change your font. Now there is a stark difference between our header and our data, and our header is not like bright in our face. It is a little bit bolded. So Oswald is also skinnier. So it's a little bold one good thing.
(02:57) So we don't have to bold it. We can, if we want we can hit. I don't necessarily like that, but you don't have to. It looks a little bit thicker and it's skinnier, meaning you can actually get more letters in. So this is not a mono space font. So n not all characters will be the same. I think we can do like, let's see.
(03:15) . Yeah, the eyes are gonna be very thin. Tees are even thin, whereas you have a thicker tee on your Carla. Also, if you notice here between Oswald and Carla, Carla has a lot more space between the letters. Oswald shrinks that all down. We can even bring this up to a higher font size, and it looks great. It looks like a header without having to do all of the other stuff to it.
(03:41) We can also take down. Color a little bit, and let's even put it in the center. Center it right now. Right? We have separated our header from our data in a way. We don't have to work with colors. We don't have to work that much with size because it's a little bit bolder. It's a, it's a different kind of font.
(04:00) Oswald, I find is just the best. Head or font ever. It is so good, and I hope you start using it here. Uh, and I hope you start using Carla. If you haven't used Carla yet, go ahead and use Carla. Even if you don't use Carla. Let's go back to Ariel here. Ariel and, and Oswald still are starkly different, so it's a stark contrast between your header and your data.
(04:24) But all you need to do is change the font. We don't have to add some color. We could add color if we really want. , and I just want to give you one bonus thing in this video. If you end up wanting to get a little bit more contrast, but you don't wanna increase the size of your header anymore, you don't want to decrease colors or anything, what you could do is go to up to freeze, sorry, not freeze, view grid lines, take away all the grid lines and only put the grid lines on your data or.
(04:55) just on the inside. Now our headers are completely, uh, different and starkly different because they have a big gap, a big lot of white space, more white space between them and the data than the data itself. So you can see, oh, this is the header. This is really easy to do. Couple clicks and you're done.
(05:12) Right? You don't have to mess with much of the. Again, all the normal stuff you're doing to your headers, now you are putting them with a darker background. You're putting them, making them bigger. You're making them all different. Bolding them, right? No more. This looks a lot neater. It look looks a lot nicer.
(05:31) You can also say make sure that they. fonts are all the same sizes, and they're still gonna be starkly different. Your header is going to be different than your data. This is really cool for making kinds of tables or any kind of data where you need a little bit of hierarchy but you don't want to really do something crazy with your headers that you might normally be doing.
(05:51) You're trying to make your Google sheets better. Watch this video. It's the most recent upload here on better sheets and watch this. Playlist, it's going to show you how I take bad sheets and turn them into great sheets. We turn all these sheets better. I hope you enjoy and learn something too.