Are You Frustrated With Sheets New Dropdown Chips?
Do those dropdown chips have you frustrated? They stand out far too much! Here's how you can change the look of your sheet instantly? With a few advanced options with Dropdown Chips in Google Sheets
![Are You Frustrated With Sheets New Dropdown Chips?](
Do those dropdown chips have you frustrated? They stand out far too much! Here's how you can change the look of your sheet instantly? With a few advanced options with Dropdown Chips in Google Sheets
Are You Frustrated With Sheets New Dropdown Chips? Let's look at all the options!
(00:00) Are you frustrated with the sheets new dropdown pills? This is this pill form that the dropdowns have taken. What is interesting about this is that it looks really different than Google Sheets, right? It looks actually much closer to Air Table, but some people don't want this. Some sheets sort of fanatics enthusiasts, people who love Google Sheets and don't really wanna look like something else, but also these things get in the way sometimes of styling.
(00:23) They draw the eye to these dropdowns, and sometimes we don't wanna. Draw the eye to the dropdown. We actually wanna just get the data there. I wanna share with you one extra thing you might not know about. If you just right click on dropdown here. I'm gonna move my face over a little bit. This is the end result.
(00:39) If we use dropdown from a range and we're going to get this when we use the dropdown with a range, unless we do this one thing, go down to advanced options, it doesn't even look like it really is an option. It looks even there's no options here. It's a header, but if you click on advanced options down here and you scroll.
(00:57) Again, you have to scroll down a little bit, so it is very hard to find. You have display style now you can change the display style to one of three things. The chip is what you see here, and that's the new default way of using dropdowns. You can default back to the original style, which is an arrow, and this works just the new dropdown pills and chips do, except they just look like an arrow, which brings us to the third one.
(01:22) You can also choose plain text. Now, plain text is interesting because we didn't have this option before we had the arrow option, and that was the only option. Now we have chip arrow and plain text, but what does plain text do? It doesn't look like you can change it. It blends in very well with everything else, but if you double click on the dropdown where you want a dropdown, it works.
(01:45) So this becomes a little less intuitive that there is a dropdown there, but it provides you an option to make it visually fit in more if maybe not every single person who uses this is the using this for the first time, if you have an, if you have sheets. Few people use consistently. You can say, Hey, I'm gonna change this so that this arrow doesn't show up.
(02:07) But you can still change these options just like you would any other dropdown option or this dropdown and it doesn't look like a pill. This pill form, and again, some people really like this sort of, this rounded edges in Google Sheets is very different, but some people want even the original idea of a dropdown, which is an arrow or.
(02:27) Just to summarize, we have this last option, which is really interesting, which is to show nothing, but it still works exactly like a dropdown does. Hopefully this was helpful to you. Now that you got that quick tip. Watch right here, the next video. Out on better sheet's YouTube channel right here on YouTube by.