12 Google Sheet Tips for Business Consultants
Discover how to automate data analysis, manage clients, create striking visuals. Unlock the full potential of Google Sheets for your business consultancy.

Learning Google Sheets equips Business Consultants with a versatile and collaborative tool for data analysis, modeling, reporting, and decision-making.
Google Sheets features, accessibility, and integration capabilities make it an invaluable asset in consulting engagements.
Google Sheets allows consultants to deliver data-driven insights and valuable solutions to their clients.
Sometimes at scale. Yes... Consultants can have LOTS of clients. Keep track of them in sheets, and use sheets to derive valuable insights for the clients' businesses.
Let me shrae wiht you a few tips I think you'll absolutely love. Some that are for data management, but also some for designing great looking sheets that your clients can easily understand.
Create Eye-catching Visuals for Prospective Clients
As a business consultant, Google Sheets is an invaluable tool for organizing and reporting data.
Quickly learn how to create unique graphical elements to enhance a presentation or report all within Sheets. Of all things. Yes sheets don't have to be boring.
Especially useful for visualising and distilling complex datasets, creating eye-catching visuals for prospective clients, or reporting data to a wide range of stakeholders.
Easily pick up the skills needed to master this powerful tool, Google Sheets.
Promptly Fix Any Technical Issues That Come Up with Forms or Reports
Improve your ability to utilize Apps Script forms or reports with Google Sheets.
This tutorial would allow you to gain an adequate understanding on the different errors that may come up when using automated transactions with Google Sheets, and how to properly respond and address them.
By better understanding the different types of errors that can arise, such as type, reference, and system errors, you can easily respond to any technical issues that come up with forms or reports and promptly fix the issue in a precise and efficient manner.
Automate Complicated Calculations
You could use this Google Sheet tutorial by Better Sheets to quickly learn how to use Apps Script Custom Functions to improve your own efficiency as consultants.
These custom functions can help you quickly automate complicated calculations and related processes, which would allow you to save time and improve your sometimes tedious workflows in spreadsheet analysis tasks.
Furthermore, access custom data sets or create and control parameters or ranges easily which will allow you to accurately evaluate business data faster.
This will become invaluable in scenarios where you must quickly deliver meaningful insights and reliable predictions based on past performance.
Create a Google Sheet Add-on
If you find yourself using the same Apps Script over and over again, try to create a Google Sheet Add-on. I've walked through the entire process of creating an add-on and publshing an Add-on on the Google Workspace Marketplace

Help More People
I sell my own templates, tutorials, and tools on AppSumo. You can too.
Yes you can build your own digital products, all within Google Sheets and sell those to prospective clients.
Consultation clients are owners, operators. AppSumo is 3 million online businesses looking to help their business.
Get in front of them with simple Google Sheet checklists, workflows, planners, and information products. AppSumo Marketplace has been kind to me and I've helped thousands learn Google Sheets better.
Get my free list of 100 Business Ideas you can start in Google Sheets
Minimize the Amount of Time Spent Dealing with Data Entry
Increase your efficiency when dealing with larger projects.
By applying the knowledge gained from the tutorial, you can create custom scripts to tackle multiple data sets in an automated way. Or learn how formulas work if you've never used complex formulas before.
Minimize the amount of time spent dealing with data entry and instead focus more on analysis and insight generation.
Additionally, you can also automate tasks such as emailing reports to clients and business partners. IF you learn Apps Script.

Tips on Setting Up Financial Reports to Better Inform Your Clients
You could use this tutorial to help improve their overall understanding of Google Sheets.
It provides insights into how professionals, such as the creator of the video, have successfully used Sheets to track their revenue.
This tutorial can help you update your existing spreadsheet set-up to maximize its effectiveness for your business.
Furthermore, it can offer tips on setting up financial reports to better inform your clients, or for your own use when analyzing the performance of your own business.
Design Your Data Better
You could use this Google Sheet tutorial to become proficient in redesigning your own data. Watch as I redesign a copywriting infographic into a spreadsheet.
This skill can be used when you are designing summary reports, or tables of insights. Could be useful when thinking about user experience in your own sheets.
By learning how to design a spreadsheet to track progress and manage client feedback, you can help to more efficiently manage your data and in turn, speed up your client's success.
Spot Trends That Can Inform Your Decision Making
You could use this video tutorial to quickly learn skills that would help you leverage the features of Google Sheets in your work.
Data is the fuel of Decision Making.
This tutorial walks through how to use the Advanced Filter function to isolate data from a larger set, and organize data better.
Familiarity with this function and other best practices around it, such as combining Logical Operators, can help you efficiently search for data within a sheets, which is especially useful when trying to make data-driven decisions quickly.
Focus On the More Important Tasks of Analyzing the Results
You could use this Google Sheets tutorial to gain the skills necessary to better analyze and understand your data.
With the skills learned, you will be able to quickly detect trends or issues in your data sets which can be used to inform business decisions.
Additionally, by knowing the more advanced features, you will be able to quickly create charts and graphs to use in presentations or to present to clients.
This ability to accurately and quickly visualize data can save time that is often scarce in your schedule and allow you to focus on the more important tasks of analyzing the results.
Identify and Act On Data-driven Opportunities

You could use these Google Sheet tutorials to learn to develop data analysis spreadsheet skills.
As data increases in importance for businesses, these tutorials can help you to quickly identify and act on data-driven opportunities for your clients.
Additionally, you can stay updated with the latest tools and techniques, that can help you to confidently discuss insights with C-level executives.
Complete Tasks Faster With Keyboard Shortcuts
These skills will help save you time when using Google Sheets.
This is especially useful if you need to use complex formulas and functions to create worksheets and documents. Or data munging, data management, or data wrangling.
The tutorial helps by providing a guide on how to quickly navigate and use shortcuts that could help save time and efforts when working on any project. Even just moving around a Google sheet.
Overall, the tutorial could provide skills to help you become faster and more efficient when using Google Sheets.
Create An Attractive and Professional Slide with Your Client's Logo
You could use the tutorial by Better Sheets to quickly learn how to insert a company logo into a Google Sheet.
This tutorial provides clear instructions on how to customize the logo placement, which would come in useful when you need to create a slide deck for a client.
With this tutorial, you can create an attractive and professional slide with your client's logo, saving them time and effort in their workflow.
Additionally, the techniques shown in the tutorial can add another layer of sophistication and professionalism to your slides or reports, helping to better impress the viewer or client.
Learn to Automate Your Sheets
Let your sheets work while you sleep. Become an automation expert by learning Apps Script and understanding how to let loose the real power hidden inside of sheets.